To create an equitable world for women, where they are not judged by their physical appearance.
The Pleasure Club aims to provide safe, hygienic, and equitable options in entertainment & wellness for women to help unwind and relax. Thereby able to keep her body and mind in proper health and lead a pleasant life throughout.
To reduce relationship stress and reduce dependence on dating apps.
A world of independent women who prefer opting for #SelfLove to being dependent on their partners for pleasure.
Innovation, Privacy, Safety, Non Judgemental and Equitable.
We value your privacy and safety above everything else. We believe that women should have the same rights and privileges as men and must have access to the same resources of entertainment and self-growth, so that they can relax, unwind, and lead a stress-free life.
Your personal details are not shared with anyone. At our club, you will be identified with your unique membership number only.
And, every woman of adult age can join the club.
The Pleasure Club is not just for bold & rebel girls. It's for every woman who wants to live their life to the fullest, and indulge in some #selflove.
Join in, whether you are working woman or a home maker...Married woman or Single woman (unmarried, separated, widows) all can join to find like-minded people here. There is something for everyone at the club.
Whether you are bored with your relationship and dating apps...
Whether you feel that your spouses & partners are opting their entertainment options and enjoying lives and indifferent towards you.
Forget about the rest of the world. It is time you had a good time. It is time you cared for your own needs.

Look No further